There are two folders which store the simulated imageries and references: SERC and GPNA Within each folder: 1. Simulations_****.tar.gz stores all simulated imageries. There are 49 seq_ind folder representing the simulation with 49 (7*7) solar incident angles (7 days (summer to winter) from 8am to 2pm). Within each seq_ind folder, the simulated tiff files and generated stereo DSMs are located at “output/tiff/” folder. Within the folder, the “ima_scanner_VZ=000_0_VA=000_0.tiff” represents the sensors at different view direction, where ind is an index ranging from 01 to 15. The RPC information is stored in the meta data of these tiff files. ima_scanner01_VZ=000_0_VA=000_0.tiff is the NADIR view image. ima_scanner_VZ=000_0_VA=000_0.tiff where ind ranges from 02 to 08 are north-view images with view zenith angle ranging from 5 to 35 degrees (5 degree step), while ima_scanner_VZ=000_0_VA=000_0.tiff where ind ranges from 09 to 15 are south-view images. 2. Ref folder Reference DTM, DSM, and CHM. 3. Simu_info.txt The information for each seq_ind folder is stored in simu_info.txt with the following format: SunZenith(deg) SunAzimuth(deg) TotalIrradianceBOA(W/m2) SKYL(%) 4. borders.txt Wkt transformations (1st row) and Scene/image borders/dimensions (2nd row).